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In response to feedback from our talented grads and cadets, we've stepped up our game. This week marks the exciting debut of a new and essential facet of our grad program – immersive factory and site tours with our trusted suppliers.
Teaming up with Structural Challenge Pty Ltd , one of our largest steel fabricators, our team soaked up this factory visit as part of their construction industry learning journey!
Louay Abu-Taleb - Kapitol Graduate found the tour engaging:
"the biggest takeaway for me was learning about the construction categories assigned to steel structures (CC1 to CC4) which I previously was not aware of. We were presented with 3 different steel products representing CC1,2 and 3 structures, from which we were able to distinguish differences in the quality of finish and welding."
We look forward to hosting more of these as part of our grad program.
Teaming up with Structural Challenge Pty Ltd , one of our largest steel fabricators, our team soaked up this factory visit as part of their construction industry learning journey!
Louay Abu-Taleb - Kapitol Graduate found the tour engaging:
"the biggest takeaway for me was learning about the construction categories assigned to steel structures (CC1 to CC4) which I previously was not aware of. We were presented with 3 different steel products representing CC1,2 and 3 structures, from which we were able to distinguish differences in the quality of finish and welding."
We look forward to hosting more of these as part of our grad program.
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