St Columba's College | Discovering the Construction Industry with Kapitol Group

We recently welcomed Year 10 students from St Columba's College to one of our data centre projects as part of their week-long, project-based learning experience. This initiative was designed to open their eyes to the many facets of the construction industry, from safety and environmental impact to the unique culture we cultivate here at Kapitol.

During their visit, Andrew Brekalo (Project Manager) and Selwyn Dexter (Site Manager), guided the students around one of our largest data centre builds. Their curiosity was sparked as they explored the site, asked insightful questions, and learned to see the built environment in a whole new way. The experience was deepened by an open panel discussion with James Smith (Site Supervisor), Ben Power (Project Manager), and Nikita Ho (Graduate), who shared their diverse career journeys and day-to-day roles. It was an eye-opener for the students, many of whom had never considered the vast range of opportunities available in construction.

Throughout the week, the students in groups will tackle real-world challenges they observed on-site, focusing on either safety, sustainability, or workplace culture. Last year, they amazed us with their creative solutions, like the innovative PPE designs tailored specifically for women—addressing a need that is often overlooked in our field.

At Kapitol, we are passionate about inspiring the next generation to see themselves in this industry, especially young women. Whether they choose a future with Kapitol or elsewhere, we hope to see many of them join us in shaping the future of construction.

Watch the video to hear from the students!

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