National Innovation Games

Cbus Property recently invited a group of our team members to participate in the National Innovation Games 2022. ​Funded by the Federal Government, the brightest names in the industry get together to work in teams to solve a core problem facing Australia.

​We were asked to solve, “2030 - OFFICE TOWERS: Adapting to the future of work - flexibility in a time of rapid change”. 

​One of our graduates, Ben Cox, was selected to be a part of the National Innovation Games and has shared his experience below. 

- What did you learn from the experience?
My key learnings from this experience included problem solving, critical thinking and pitch planning within a team of varying experiences & skills.   From the preparation and presentation of our team’s pitch, I also thought there was a lot to learn in watching other teams pitch their ideas with some truly unique and interesting pitches being presented during our pitch session.  

- Favourite part of the experience?
My favourite part was pitching our solution to the judging panel of experienced industry professionals. Following a day of intense ‘sprint sessions’ in critical thinking, concept ideation and pitch planning with the team, it was really rewarding to receive positive feedback and genuine excitement from the judges on the ideas and concepts we put forward. 

- What was the solution your team put together? 
The theme for the 2022 CBUS Property National Innovation Games was ‘2030 - Office Towers: Adapting to the future of work and flexibility in a time of rapid change.' and under this theme, Team 5 – (Breaking Ground) was tasked with the specific task of ‘Ground Floor - Reimagining Retail’.
The problem we identified within this theme was “CBD retail is not business as usual - How might we create a diverse, inclusive and flexible destination to attract, engage and connect with diverse target markets, communities and tenants within a building’s ground floor”.

In forming our solution, we drew inspiration from the vibrant, engaging, and low-cost experiences often seen in suburban areas with food truck venues, pop-up market stores, live performances and natural green / multi-sensory spaces.  Our solution aimed to bring these experiences to the CBD by transforming the ground floor space of an office building into a diverse and inclusive environment that offers flexible spaces and short retailer leasing / licencing terms to foster local partnerships and precinct marketing.

Our concept to achieve this engaging environment within a ground floor building space included:
  • Lessor providing retail / hospitality spaces with shared kitchens and key fit-out items already built to reduce tenant start-up costs
  • Targeting local providers, emerging businesses, new cultural experiences, and rotating vendors regularly
  • Common seating environment, music and events, natural green-space, and natural lighting 

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